95 Employers
Showing 41 to 60 of 95 Employers
Globus Drive
A service offered by Globus SB-Warenhaus Holding, providing online grocery shopping and delivery....
St. Johanner Markt GmbH
A company responsible for managing the St. Johanner Markt square and organizing events in Saarbrücken....
Wegweiser Media & Conferences GmbH
A company organizing conferences and events related to public administration and governance....
IHK Saarland Bildungsakademie
The Saarland Chamber of Commerce Education Academy, providing vocational training and education....
Arbeitskammer des Saarlandes
The Chamber of Labor in Saarland, representing the interests of employees....
Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes - Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten e.V.
An association representing victims of the Nazi regime and promoting anti-fascist activism....
Orthopädische Universitätsklinik
An orthopedic hospital affiliated with Saarland University Medical Center....
Verband der Reservisten der Deutschen Bundeswehr e.V.
The Association of Reservists of the German Armed Forces, supporting and representing reservists....
Saarland Medien
A media company responsible for the production of regional TV and radio programs....
Technische Hilfswerk (THW) Ortsverband Saarbrücken
The Technical Relief Agency local chapter in Saarbrücken, providing disaster relief and technical assistance....
Saarland Sports Association (Landessportverband für das Saarland e.V.)
An organization responsible for promoting and organizing sports activities in Saarland....
St. Wendeler Land Tourismus GmbH
A tourism company promoting the St. Wendel region as a destination for leisure and recreation....
Stadtverwaltung Saarbrücken
The municipal administration of Saarbrücken, responsible for local government services....
Saarländische Investitionskreditbank AG (SIKB)
The Saarland Investment Credit Bank, providing financing solutions for businesses in the region....
Förderverein Zoo der Minis e.V.
A non-profit organization supporting and promoting the Zoo der Minis in Saarbrücken....
Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung im Saarland mbH (WFUS)
A company focused on economic development and promotion of businesses in Saarland....
Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Saarland
The State Agency for Political Education in Saarland, promoting civic education and political participation....