95 Employers
Showing 1 to 20 of 95 Employers
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Saarland
The German Red Cross in Saarland, providing humanitarian aid and social services....
Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband St. Ingbert e.V.
The German Child Protection Association branch in St. Ingbert, advocating for children's rights....
Scheer Group
An IT consulting company offering services in business process optimization and digital transformation....
ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
An economic research institute focused on applied microeconomic research and economic policy consulting....
Landesapothekerkammer Saarland
The Chamber of Pharmacists in Saarland, representing pharmacists and ensuring pharmacy standards....
Globus Fachmärkte
A subsidiary of Globus SB-Warenhaus Holding, specializing in building materials and home improvement products....
Landfrauenverband Saarland e.V.
The Rural Women's Association in Saarland, supporting women in rural areas....
Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
A government agency responsible for employment services and unemployment benefits....
SaarLB - Saarlandische Landesbank
A regional bank providing financial services to individuals and businesses in Saarland....
Saarland Marketing
A marketing organization promoting tourism and economic development in Saarland....
ZDF Saarbrücken
A regional branch of the German public television broadcaster ZDF, located in Saarbrücken....
Industrie- und Handelskammer des Saarlandes (IHK)
The Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Saarland, supporting and representing businesses in the region....
Hochschule für Musik Saar
The University of Music in Saarbrücken, offering education and research in music....
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Saarland
A government agency responsible for pension insurance in the Saarland region....
Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH) Landesvertretung Saarland
The Saarland Representation of the Central Association of German Crafts, representing and supporting craftsmen....
Bürgerhilfe Homburg e.V.
A non-profit organization providing various social services and support in Homburg....