463 Employers
Showing 401 to 420 of 463 Employers
Veolia Environnement
French transnational company providing services in water management, waste management, etc....
Exelon Corporation
A Fortune 100 energy company with the largest number of utility customers in the U.S....
NRG Energy
A power company that produces, sells, and delivers energy, as well as energy products and services in the United States....
Wien Energie
The largest regional energy services provider in Austria, supplying electricity, natural gas, and heating to Vienna and ...
UGI Utilities, Inc.
A natural gas and electric utility company serving customers in Pennsylvania and surrounding states....
Vimmerby Energi och Miljö AB
A medium-sized company providing energy and environmental services in Vimmerby....
GESA (Endesa)
An electricity company that provides power services in Spain, including the Balearic Islands....
Mainzer Stadtwerke AG
A municipal utility company providing energy, water, and public transportation services in Mainz....
Berliner Wasserbetriebe
The public water utility company responsible for supplying water in Berlin....
Acea Energia
A subsidiary of Acea providing energy services to residential and business customers....