463 Employers
Showing 321 to 340 of 463 Employers
Stadtwerke Koblenz GmbH
The municipal utility company of Koblenz, providing energy and water services in the city....
EON Sverige
A Swedish subsidiary of EON, providing energy solutions including electricity, gas, and heating....
Duke Energy
An electric power holding company that supplies and delivers electricity in the Southeastern United States....
American Electric Power Transmission
Electric utility company focused on transmission operations....
AB Fortum Värme Dalarna
A medium-sized company providing district heating services in Dalarna....
FirstEnergy Solutions
A subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp., specializing in competitive electricity sales to retail and wholesale customers....
PJM Interconnection, LLC
A regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity....
SCANA Corporation
A Fortune 500 company that brings power and natural gas to homes and businesses in the Carolinas and Georgia....
Süwag Energie AG
A regional energy company providing sustainable energy solutions to households and businesses....
Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH
The municipal utility company of Solingen, providing energy and water services....
Alliant Energy
A Fortune 1000 company that provides regulated electric and natural gas service to customers in the Midwest....