3,802 Employers
Showing 1,881 to 1,900 of 3,802 Employers
Vorarlberg Economic Development Agency
An agency focused on promoting economic development and innovation in the Vorarlberg region....
Missouri Department of Corrections
The state government agency responsible for the corrections system in Missouri....
Regional Council of Centre-Val de Loire
The governing body of the Centre-Val de Loire region....
Catalan Council for Social Affairs and Housing (CCVSH)
A government council responsible for social affairs and housing policies....
Landkreis Waldshut
The district authority for the Waldshut district in Baden-Württemberg, Germany....
West Flanders Municipal Administration
A government agency responsible for local governance and public services in West Flanders....
Saxon State Agency for School Quality and Teacher Training
Oversees school quality and teacher training in Saxony....
Flemish Brabant Regional Council
A government agency responsible for local governance and public services in Flemish Brabant....
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
World-leading institution dedicated to global health research, education, and services....
Israel Broadcasting Authority
Public broadcasting organization responsible for radio and television services in Israel....
Lombardy Foundation for Research on Energy Policy (FLIREP)
Supports research and initiatives related to energy policy in Lombardy....
Renholdsverket Trondheim
A municipal waste management company providing collection and recycling services in Trondheim....
Bordeaux Métropole
Public institution responsible for local urban planning and development....
Uppsala universitet - Ångström Laboratory - Hus 10
A research facility at Uppsala University, specializing in materials science and nanotechnology....
Rogaland Society for Cultural Affairs
A government department dedicated to promoting cultural activities and heritage preservation in Rogaland....
Skellefteå Municipality
A government municipality responsible for local administration....
ACT Gambling and Racing Commission
The government agency responsible for regulating gambling and racing activities in the ACT....
Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service
A government healthcare service providing addiction and mental health services in the Metro South region of Queensland....
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
Government agency responsible for the regulation and development of civil aviation in Singapore....