188 Employers
Showing 141 to 160 of 188 Employers
Trondheim Renholdsverk
A municipal waste management company providing collection and recycling services in Trondheim....
Malvik Bil AS
A small car dealership and service center offering automotive services in Malvik, Trøndelag....
Lerøy Midnor AS
A medium-sized seafood company engaged in fish farming, processing, and distribution....
NTNU - Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk
A department at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) specializing in computer science and informatics....
Fosen Vind DA
A medium-sized wind power company engaged in the development and operation of wind farms....
Inderøy Bil AS
A small car dealership and service center offering automotive services in Inderøy, Trøndelag....
Bjugn Bil AS
A small car dealership and service center offering automotive services in Bjugn, Trøndelag....
Trondheim kommune
The municipal government of Trondheim, responsible for local administration and services....
Grong Bil AS
A small car dealership and service center offering automotive services in Grong, Trøndelag....
Namsskogan Næringsforening
A small business association promoting economic development and entrepreneurship in Namsskogan, Trøndelag....
Sør-Trøndelag fylkeskommune
The regional government authority responsible for education, transport, and regional development in Sør-Trøndelag....
Røra Musikkforening
A local music association promoting musical activities in Røra, Trøndelag....