3,802 Employers
Showing 1,381 to 1,400 of 3,802 Employers
Regionalverband Mittelburgenland
A regional association promoting economic development....
Hamburg Chamber of Crafts
Representative body for skilled crafts and trades in Hamburg....
Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolitan Area
The public authority overseeing the urban area of Aix-Marseille....
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
A government agency responsible for housing in Northern Ireland....
Jyväskylän kaupunki - Varhaiskasvatus
City of Jyväskylä Early Childhood Education Services....
Trondheim kommune - Bydrift
A municipal organization responsible for urban maintenance and services in Trondheim....
Narok Town Council
The local government authority responsible for administering Narok Town....
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
A state corporation tasked with the conservation and management of wildlife in Kenya....
Instituto Tecnológico de Producto Infantil y Ocio (AIJU)
A technological institute focused on products for children and leisure activities....
Department of Conservation
Government agency responsible for the conservation of New Zealand's natural and historic heritage....
Hudiksvalls Kyrka
Local church providing religious services and community activities in Hudiksvall....
Saxony State Agency for Civil Protection
Responsible for civil protection and disaster management....
City of Milwaukee
The municipal government organization responsible for the administration of Milwaukee city affairs....
Limpopo Tourism Agency
Promotes tourism and economic development in the Limpopo province....
North Sweden European Office
A government agency facilitating EU-related matters for the northern regions of Sweden....
Florida Department of Corrections
The state agency responsible for managing and supervising Florida's prison system....
Maryland Transit Administration
Government agency responsible for public transportation in Maryland....
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC)
A government-backed reinsurer providing terrorism reinsurance to the Australian market....