683 Employers
Showing 101 to 120 of 683 Employers
Etelä-Savon maakuntahallitus
Regional council responsible for regional planning and development....
Kanta-Häme Department of Transportation
A government agency responsible for managing transportation infrastructure and services in the Kanta-Häme region of Finl...
Hannuksen Peltopalvelu
An agricultural service company providing farming and field management services....
Luonnonvarakeskus (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
Research and expert organization providing data and solutions for sustainable development....
Save the Children Finland
A non-governmental organization working to improve the lives of children in Finland and around the world....
Nordic Finance Group
A large financial services company providing a wide range of banking and investment solutions in the Helsinki metropolit...
Jyväskylän seudun joukkoliikenne
Public transportation company providing bus services in the Jyväskylä region....
Keski-Pohjanmaan Keskussairaala
Central Hospital of Central Ostrobothnia providing healthcare services....
Kymenlaakso Green Builders
A medium-sized construction company specializing in eco-friendly and sustainable building practices in the Kymenlaakso r...
Kanta-Hämeen Keskussairaala
Central Hospital of Kanta-Häme providing healthcare services....
Pohjois-Karjalan Kehittämiskeskus
A development center promoting economic and cultural development in the region....
Joensuun Työttömien Yhdistys
An association providing support and services for unemployed individuals....
Valmet Corporation
A global developer and supplier of technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries....