183 Employers
Showing 61 to 80 of 183 Employers
Region Kalmar län
The regional governing body responsible for healthcare, public transport, and regional development in Kalmar County....
Din Bil Sverige AB
A medium-sized automotive company offering sales and service for various car brands....
Tjustkraft AB
A small energy company providing electricity and district heating services in the Tjust region....
Kalmar Gatukontor
The Street Department of Kalmar Municipality, responsible for maintenance and construction of roads and streets....
Ölands Träservice AB
A small company offering tree care and forestry services on the island of Öland....
Räddningstjänsten Kalmar
The Kalmar Fire and Rescue Service, responsible for emergency response and fire safety in the municipality....
Ekmans El & Mekanik AB
A small company providing electrical and mechanical services for various industries....
Transtema AB
A small company providing transportation and logistics services for various industries....
Centerpartiet Kronoberg
The Center Party in Kronoberg County, a political party advocating for rural and agricultural interests....
Lindbäcks Bygg AB
A small construction company specializing in building systems and solutions....
NIBE Industrier
A large global heating technology company providing energy-efficient solutions for homes and businesses....
Grönströms Mekaniska Verkstad AB
A small company offering metalworking and machining services....
Vimmerby Plåt & Mekaniska AB
A small company offering sheet metal fabrication and mechanical engineering services....
Kalmar Trädgårdsanläggningar AB
A small company specializing in garden design and landscaping services....
LKAB Wassara
A medium-sized company specializing in water-powered drilling technology for mining and construction....
Växjö Municipality
The local governing body responsible for municipal services and administration in Växjö....
Länsstyrelsen Kronoberg
The County Administrative Board of Kronoberg, responsible for regional administration and supervision of public authorit...
Nybro Kommun
The local governing body responsible for municipal services and administration in Nybro....
Ägir Byggnads AB
A small construction company specializing in residential and commercial building projects....