185 Employers
Showing 41 to 60 of 185 Employers
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
A prestigious university in Galway, offering a wide range of academic programs....
Údarás na Gaeltachta
A government agency responsible for the economic, social, and cultural development of Irish-speaking regions....
Port of Galway
A major seaport on the west coast of Ireland, handling various types of cargo....
Department of Health (Ireland)
Government department responsible for public health and healthcare policy....
Pfizer Ireland
Global pharmaceutical company developing and manufacturing medicines and vaccines....
Dublin City Council
Local government authority responsible for the administration of Dublin city....
Aon Ireland
Global professional services firm providing risk, retirement, and health solutions....
IDA Ireland
Irish government agency responsible for attracting foreign direct investment....
Irish Cancer Society
A national cancer control agency working to reduce the impact of cancer on the people of Ireland....
Dixons Carphone
A multinational electrical and telecommunications retailer and services company....