38 Employers
Showing 21 to 40 of 38 Employers
Siva - Selskapet for industrivekst
A government-owned company promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and regional development....
Finnmark Dagblad
A local newspaper providing news and information to the residents of Finnmark....
Mørenot Troms AS
A medium-sized company specializing in the production of fishing equipment and aquaculture products....
Finnmarkseiendommen Holding AS
A holding company overseeing subsidiaries engaged in land management and resource development....
Avinor Tromsø lufthavn
A government-owned company operating Tromsø Airport, providing air transport services....
Tromsø kommune
The municipal government of Tromsø, responsible for local administration and services....
Finnmarkssykehuset HF
A large government-owned healthcare organization providing medical services in Finnmark....
Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival
A cultural event showcasing international and Norwegian films in Tromsø....
Polaria AS
A small-scale aquarium and environmental knowledge center in Tromsø, Troms og Finnmark....
Troms Kraft Nett AS
A company responsible for the distribution of electricity in Troms og Finnmark....
Vadsø kommune
The municipal government of Vadsø, responsible for local administration and services....
Nordkapp Reiseliv AS
A small tourism company offering experiences and tours in the Nordkapp region of Finnmark....
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum
A museum showcasing contemporary art from Northern Norway, located in Tromsø....
Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune
The regional government authority responsible for education, transport, and regional development in Troms og Finnmark....
Finnmark Forskning AS
A research company focusing on social science and regional development research in Finnmark....
Finnmark Friluftsråd
A non-profit organization promoting outdoor recreation and nature conservation in Finnmark....
Finnmark Fylkeskommunale Pensjonskasse
A pension fund serving employees in the Finnmark region....
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