3,802 Employers
Showing 2,841 to 2,860 of 3,802 Employers
Missouri Department of Social Services
The state government agency responsible for social welfare programs....
Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI)
A government research institute focused on industrial research and development....
Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura
Cultural and artistic complex promoting arts and culture in Asturias....
Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)
An independent authority regulating competition and consumer protection in the Netherlands, with offices in South Hollan...
Department of Home Affairs
Government department responsible for immigration, citizenship, and other related matters....
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
A healthcare service provider in the West Moreton region of Queensland....
Niedersächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Lower Saxony State Agency for Civic Education....
Ferrovie Appulo Lucane
A government-owned railway company operating in the Apulia and Basilicata regions....
Kenya Veterinary Board
A government regulatory board responsible for licensing and regulating veterinary professionals in Kenya....
Capital Region Environmental Agency
A government agency responsible for overseeing environmental protection and conservation efforts in the Capital Region....
The executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands, responsible for the main...
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
A government agency responsible for coordinating and promoting Swedish polar research....
Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFiNAG)
A government-owned company responsible for the financing and operation of Austria's autobahn and expressway network....
A regional development agency based in South Holland, focusing on stimulating innovation and supporting startups and sca...
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
A government agency responsible for protecting and improving the environment in Scotland....
Govan Mbeki Municipality
Govan Mbeki Municipality is a local government authority responsible for governing areas including Secunda and Leandra i...
ACT Department of Justice and Community Safety
The government department responsible for justice and community safety matters in the ACT....
NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Government agency responsible for law enforcement, fire and emergency services in the Northern Territory....
Kansas Department of Corrections
The Kansas Department of Corrections oversees the state's correctional facilities and programs....