665 Employers
Showing 241 to 260 of 665 Employers
Pirkanmaan TE-toimisto
Employment and economic development office providing labor and business services....
Kanta-Hämeen sairaanhoitopiiri
Kanta-Häme Central Hospital District providing healthcare services....
Turku Shipyard
A large shipbuilding company known for constructing a wide range of vessels, including cargo ships and ferries, in Varsi...
University of Eastern Finland
A multidisciplinary university offering a wide range of courses in various fields of study....
Lappi Green Builders
A medium-sized construction company specializing in eco-friendly and sustainable building practices in the Lappi region ...
Varsinais-Suomi Environmental Coalition
A non-profit organization dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainability initiatives in Varsinais-Suomi, Fin...
Helsinki Green Solutions
A small company focused on providing eco-friendly and sustainable solutions for businesses and households in Uusimaa, Fi...
Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta
A subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel, specializing in nickel refining and production of nickel products....
Luonnonvarakeskus (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
Research institute focusing on natural resources and the environment....
MarineBio Research Institute
A medium-sized research institute focused on marine biology and conservation efforts in Varsinais-Suomi, Finland....
Kiteen Huonekalutehdas Oy
A furniture manufacturing company based in Kitee, North Karelia....
Finnish Tax Administration
Responsible for tax administration and collection in Finland....