27,682 Employers
Showing 25,461 to 25,480 of 27,682 Employers
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Medical school offering education and medical services....
Myvatn Bird Research Institute
A research institute dedicated to the study and conservation of bird species around Lake Myvatn in Northeastern Iceland....
Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH
A company specializing in prosthetics, orthotics, and mobility solutions....
Valle d'Aosta Artisanal Metal Jewelry
A cooperative of local artisans crafting unique handcrafted metal jewelry pieces....
Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican Hospitals
Healthcare system with hospitals in Southern Nevada....
Värmlands Idrottsförbund
A large sports association promoting sports and physical activity in Värmland....
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Technology Transfer Office
An office facilitating the transfer of technology and knowledge from research to industry in the region....
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU)
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, focusing on agricultural and environmental sciences....
Région Hauts-de-France
Regional governing body responsible for policy and administration in Hauts-de-France....
Fjärdsjö Hembygdsförening
Local heritage association preserving cultural history in Fjärdsjö....
Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)
The Swiss government agency responsible for civil protection and disaster management....
Kalmar Stadsmission
A non-profit organization working to support and empower vulnerable individuals and families in Kalmar....
CUNA Mutual Group
A financial services provider offering insurance, retirement, and investment solutions....
Finnmark Forskning AS
A research company focusing on social science and regional development research in Finnmark....
Woonsocket Education Department
The municipal education department responsible for public schools in Woonsocket, Rhode Island....