230 Employers
Showing 1 to 20 of 230 Employers
MeVis Medical Solutions AG
A medical imaging software company focused on providing solutions for early detection of cancer....
ZEAB Zentrale Einrichtung für Auslandsdienst
A government organization focused on international development cooperation....
Stadtwerke Bremen AG
A public utility company providing energy and water services in Bremen....
HAGLEITNER Hygiene International GmbH
A company providing hygiene solutions for various industries....
Messe Bremen & ÖVB-Arena
An exhibition and event venue with a multi-purpose arena in Bremen....
Jacobs University Bremen
A private research university offering a variety of study programs in English....
IVU Traffic Technologies AG
A company providing software solutions for public transportation....
BWK Bauverlag GmbH & Co. KG
A publishing house specializing in construction-related literature and information....
Engemann und Partner Patentanwälte mbB
A law firm specializing in patent and intellectual property law....
Umweltbetrieb Bremen
The environmental agency of the city of Bremen responsible for environmental protection and management....
SWB Vertrieb Bremen GmbH
A company providing energy services and products to residential and commercial customers....
Hemeling & Brückmann
An architecture and engineering firm providing design and planning services....
Verband der norddeutschen Wohnungsunternehmen e. V.
An association representing housing companies in northern Germany....